(Click on Registration Link at Bottom of Page)

Registration system
New for 2004: a funky, far-out, completely automated, Olympic-sized (heck, you could even call it revolutionary) online registration system!  Those who attended the Leadership Retreat or the Ski Trip this year made the acquaintance of its older version.  Good news: with the upgraded version you can register and pay completely online by credit card or electronic check.  Also, because it is database driven, we can easily generate queries and reports, as well as send informational e-mail messages to all registrants.  This will allow us to better serve your needs and communicate more easily before the trip.  Bad news: for those on dial-up, the system can be slow at times.  Programmers are working round-the-clock to improve system speed, but you may still have some timeout issues.  If you do, please try again.  If you still can’t complete your registration, e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and we’ll set up a time to register you over the phone (please only do this as a very, very last resort!) Thanks!

NOTE: You do not need to have flight arrangements in order to register.  With the new system, once you have an account, you can log back in at any time to update your information.

There will be no onsite registration at camp Mah-Kee-Nac this year.  If you wish to attend the 2004 International Event, you must register and pay in full by August 23rd. 

Cancellation Policy and Fine Print
Mosaic reserves the right to make appropriate and necessary changes to cost and schedule and to assign people to buses based on efficient and reasonable loading capacity.

Click on Shecky to Register!

© 2004 Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America. All rights reserved.